An official army family and MWR Site

Military Saves Week: Thrift Savings Plan Review

What is the Thrift Savings Plan?  Come find out!

Note: This event has already passed.

Announcing Financial Fitness Week for Military Saves Week!  Come join us
during lunch for FREE financial classes March 5 - 9 from 12 - 1 pm.
Classes will be provided by RIA Federal Credit Union, your Accredited
Financial Counselor® and USAA Educational Foundation.  You may attend one
or all.

Thursday 8 March:  Money Management and the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).  Whether you are a Service Member or a DA Civilian, you need to know how your TSP works.
Understanding the five funds and L Funds. Bring your lunch and let your
AFC® help you understand why should be using the TSP.

For more info and to sign up, call +1(309) 782-0829 or 
email:   No later than March
